Stephanie Art & Design

My Haunted Cottage Artwork & Curiosities

Established 2020


Stephanie Lailine is an artist & designer based in Roswell, Georgia. An ardent self-taught creator, Stephanie has been crafting works of art for as long as she can remember. She enjoys using a variety of media, from drawing & painting to digital & sculpture. Through this exploration, she is eager to see how her style continues to develop and is excited for future projects. Stephanie also currently works as a senior user experience designer, with focuses on user interface & graphic design. When she's not doodling away in her sketchbook, you can typically find her reading in the countryside, wandering through the forests of the Appalachian mountains, foraging mushrooms, crocheting a cozy blanket, adventuring in her hometown, writing poetry & prose in her journals, making music, or playing with her two kittens.

"Visually, I am drawn to soft colors or muted tones. I love finding the balance between abstract & reality, and often mimic Impressionist paintings in my brush strokes. Discovering, combining, and experimenting with different media allows me to push the boundaries of what I can do while shaping my artistic sensibilities. I am most frequently inspired by nature, folklore, magic & whimsy, vintage curiosities, wunderkammer oddities, tattoo culture, and nostalgia with a hint of mystery. My primary interests include illustration, printmaking, woodcutting, handmade pottery, and pyrography. Recently, I have been focusing on character portraits, plein air paintings, botanical & animal drawings, fantasy themes, and integrating the elegant macabre into my work. I am passionate about making visual memories, and enjoy the delicate art of telling stories through my pieces."

If you'd like to contact Stephanie, feel free to send her an email anytime! She would love to get in touch with you, whether it be about potential opportunities, questions & comments about her work, or just wanting to grab a cup of tea. Stephanie loves developing unique ideas as a freelance illustrator, traveling the world as an amateur naturalist, and learning new things as an aspiring folklorist - let's work together!

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We’d love to hear from you! Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions, comments, or opportunities. We will get back to you as soon as possible. Be sure to also check out my Instagram page (@stephanie.artdesign) for additional announcements, and join our newsletter to stay up to date! Media kits available upon request.

Commissions & art trades are currently CLOSED.


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